Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Running a Home Typing Service

A home typing service is an ideal venture to get into on a part-time basis. While it won't make you a millionaire, you can expect a few hundred dollars per month. I'm sure you could use that. However, if you are fast and good at it, you will find plenty of business coming your way from referrals and recommendations and your monthly income could very well skyrocket, making it a great home business idea.
There are thousands of typing possibilities and even more people looking for the services of a typing agency. Typing requests will come from business people, doctors, lawyers, authors, students and even job seekers. Some possible typing jobs may include resumes, sales letters, flyers, lawyers letters, student assignments, announcements, manuscripts, newsletters, etc.
What's Required?
In order to be successful in this home business concept, you need to obviously be able to type quite well. You don't have to be a fast typist but rather a meticulous and professional one. You need to be dependable and finish typing assignments on time.
You obviously need to have a reliable computer and printer. An excellent word processing program like Word or similar is required. As the output quality of your finished assignment is crucial to your success, you might want to ensure that you have a printer that is capable of high-quality printing.
Demarcate a section in your home as your "office". You might consider keeping your clients' documents to be typed in a secure, preferably lock-up drawer or cupboard. This will ensure that it is out of reach from kids, your pets, prying visitors or your cleaning lady who might accidentally mistake it for garbage and discard it.
Depending on where you live, you might need to get a business license to operate from home. This requirement will vary from state to state, town to town, country to country. As this article will probably be read by people from all over the world, I would not be able to advise here except to say that you should consult your nearest trade office for direction.

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